

Statement on residencies published on the 8th of June 2016

This statement from the Ministry of Culture in relation to the support of artists and artistic teams in the context of art residencies defines the types of art residencies supported by the State.

Study from the French Ministry of Culture – Direction générale de la création artistique (DGCA) in May 2019 - ‘The artist residency: a creative tool for public policies’

The French Ministry of Culture - Direction générale de la création artistique (DGCA) consulted with Arts en résidence - National network about its report on art residencies carried out in 2019 entitled ‘The artist residency: a creative tool for public policies’.
This study is presented as a status report on the art residency sector aiming to identify the multiple realities of residencies. It contains selected examples, accounts of artists and cultural managers, including an interview with Ann Stouvenel, co-founder and president of Arts en résidence - National network.

‘223 Visual Art Residencies in France’ (Cnap), 2016

Arts en résidence - National network took part in collective reflections with Cnap, CIPAC, USOPAV, CAAP, FRAAP, amongst others, notably with the aim to allow each structure to express their views on the definition of residency and the content of the edition of the Cnap Guide ‘223 Visual Art Residencies in France’. Interviews with Ann Stouvenel and Mathilde Guyon, co-founders of the network, and Elise Jouvancy, former Head of Residencies at La Malterie and current coordinator of the network, were conducted and published in this guide. Both digital and paper versions are available.

This 2016 publication accelerated the drafting process of the model residency contract, as the Cnap and the DGCA wanted to publish it for this occasion.

Ministerial statement
2016 statement

Overview - Summary of the study in English 

DGCA Report. Interview with Ann Stouvenel - (PDF - French only).

A full version of the two-volume report can be downloaded from the Ministry of Culture’s website (French only).