

Centre d'art et de recherche

A non-profit-making association established in 2003, Bétonsalon is a Centre for Art and Research, is located within the Université Paris Cité in the 13th arrondissement since 2007. Bétonsalon's program revolves around sensitive/sensory experience as a factor of experimentation around social, racial, gender and environmental issues, all capable of thwarting the binary representations that oppose theory and practice, reason and sensibility, passivity and activity, or culture and nature, research process and finished work.

© Antonin Horquin

Magnetic Residencies: Bétonsalonis part of the Magnetic Residencies program, run by Fluxus Art Projects, built aroundtandem partnerships between institutions and residencies based in a French region (CAPC in Bordeaux, Frac Grand Large in Dunkerque, Frac Bretagne in Rennes and Villa Arson in Nice) and a British nation(Wysing Arts Centre, Cove Park, Aberystwyth Arts Center, Flax Art Studios). Artists from each of the five French regions are invited to apply for the residency based in an associated British nation; artistsfrom each British nation can apply for the residency based in the associated French region. For the 3rd edition of Magnetic, a new tandem has been created between Gasworks in London and Bétonsalon for two 2 month residencies for two artists, one based in Ile-de-France region and the other in England. Bétonsalon welcomes applications which engage with practices rooted in an exploration of sensorial relationships to the world and offering collective tools to reassess the way our body and mind are affected by and respond to the multiple crisis we are currently facing. We support artistic research which aims to broaden our understanding of physical and emotional interrelations between human and non-human — through performance, immersive installation, film, sound, care practices, radicalpedagogies, participatory experiments etc. — and to question the way social and institutional frameworks shape experiences with our environment.

School residency programme “Art pour Grandir” (Art to grow): To develop artistic and cultural education on a Parisian scale, the Department of Cultural Affairs andthe Department of School Affairs have mobilized cultural institutions to work together on a specificscheme to make culture a shared asset. It was in this context that “Art pour grandir” was born in 2009.Since then, theprogrammehas grown by bringing cultural institutions closer to schools, enablingchildren and young people from kindergarten to secondary school to spend more time discovering andpracticing art, and encouraging them toseeworks of art andvisitcultural venues.Bétonsalon's Art pour Grandir residency is deployed as a priority in middle schoolsinworking-classneighborhoods, and in close collaboration with the “Action collégien” program.


Magnetic Residencies:
Each artist receives a grant of €2,500 per month, accommodation and workspace, as well as curatorial support from the residency teams and networking opportunities with art professionals to develop his or her research around societal, historical and environmental issues rooted in the region.

School residency programme “Art pour Grandir”
The artist receives a fee of 3600€ (this fee takes into account the 36 hours of intervention in theschool) and a production budget of 2000€. The art center team supports and accompanies the artist in her research, and puts her in touch withstructures and contactsthat can contribute to the development of her project.


Magnetic Residencies:
2 months, from November to December 2024 for Magnetic #3

School residency programme “Art pour Grandir”
The residency takes place over the course of a school year, from September to June. Workshops in the school generally last 3 to 6 months. The schedule is drawn up in consultation with the artist and the school, and can be adapted to suit individual needs.


Magnetic Residencies:
The Magnetic #3 call for applications will be open from 21 May to 15 July (midnight) on Fluxus Art Projects website. This call is aimed at professional artists working in the field of visual arts who have already presented their work in several professional venues identified by contemporary art networks. Applications will be assessed on the basis on the artistic ambition within a professional practice rooted in contemporary visual arts, the relevance of the artist’s proposal within the residency’s context and focus and the motivation for an international residency at this point in the artist’s career.

School residency programme “Art pour Grandir”
Invitation only.


Bétonsalon will do its best to accommodate candidates' requests concerning their family life by proposing adjustments to the residency schedule if necessary. Further information on the Magnetic Residences program is available on the Fluxus Art Projects website.


Magnetic Residencies:
Meetings with the public and art professionals, organised by the art centre.

School residency programme “Art pour Grandir”
At the end of the residency, a public event is organized at Bétonsalon, in the partner school or any other location relevant to the project. The form of the event (screening, performance, talk, etc.) is defined by the artist, in consultation with the art center and school team.


Magnetic Residencies:
The artist undertakes to:
-Take care of the spaces made available to them
-Carry out a shared assessment with the Bétonsalon team at the end of the residency

School residency programme“Art pour Grandir”
The artist will run a series of workshops in the partner school, and undertakes to carry out a sharedassessment with the team at the end of the residency.

Contact us

9, esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet
75013 Paris
Adresse postale
Bétonsalon - Centre d'art et de recherche
BP 90415  
F-75626 Paris cedex 13
T: +33