Professional training sessions and programs
Arts en résidence - National network regularly carries out information sessions, training courses, and conducts workshops for professionals in art schools, universities and training centres, as well as amongst elected representatives for Culture in France and abroad.
Since 2009, Arts en résidence - National network has been supporting the development of art residencies during training sessions and conferences, through participating in continuing education and by setting up information points, symposiums and round-table discussions. These different activities have one common objective which is to support professionals (local authorities, private initiatives, art institutions, project holders and so on) in setting up and developing residency programmes which are suitable and relevant for the areas in which they are situated.
The conferences provide the opportunity for the network, its members and its work, as well as the current challenges of art residencies, to be presented. They also provide the time and space for question and answer sessions. Seminars, workshops and one day conferences are an opportunity for in-depth reflection on current issues. Developed with our members, they allow us to encourage exchanges and debates by including numerous professions and partner venues. The training courses favour the autonomy of the participants, in keeping with the current developments in the sector. The aim is to provide project holders with the key tools (administrative, legal, budgetary) for setting up and monitoring a programme; to reflect individually and collectively on the projects envisaged (context, objectives, partners, development stages); to become part of an exchanging community of professionals (collective discussion platform). Training courses are listed in the catalogues of training structures: CIPAC, CNFPT and so on.
Arts en résidence also offers personalised activities based on specific requests. Here are a few examples: conferences designed for the general public and coupled with studio visits; round table discussions that are part of training days for large-scale artistic events; ‘in-house’ training; support for the creation of residency programmes.
Arts en résidence accepts requests for training, information and seminars from local or national authorities, professional organisations, public or private institutions, art schools, companies and any project holders in France and abroad.
For more information, send us an email at
— 20 janvier
"Tout savoir sur les résidences " à destination des artistes-auteur·rices membres de l'ADAGP à Paris
— 6 février
Présentation de l'activité Ressources d'Arts en résidence à la journée La Criée, journée des acteur·rices de la ressource en arts visuels et lancement du centre ressource de la Fabrique Pola à Bordeaux
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"Tout savoir sur les résidences " à destination des artistes-auteur·rices membres de l'ADAGP à Paris
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"Tout savoir sur les résidences " à destination des artistes-auteur·rices membres de l'ADAGP à Paris
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