
Banyan – centre d’art contemporain de la Cité des Arts de La Réunion

La Cité des Arts - SPL Territo’Arts is the only cultural facility of its kind in La Réunion and the Indian Ocean. Since it opened in 2016, it has been a venue for cultural projects and a collaborative artistic platform for all disciplines, supporting projects from the early creation stages through to the moment they are made public.

The support of projects in the field of visual arts provided by SPL Territo'Arts takes place at La Cité des Arts, in line with its commitment to promote local creative work in all its diversity and make a real contribution to La Réunion's artistic production sector, with particular emphasis on emerging artists.
Whether they are starting out or established professionals, artists at all stages in their careers can benefit from SPL Territo'Arts’ support.
Priority is given to artists based in La Réunion. Applications from artists living outside of La Réunion may however be accepted on condition that they are involved in an artistic project led by an inhabitant of La Réunion or in an artistic research project focusing on the specific characteristics of La Réunion, such as its geography and its historical, cultural and sociological context, etc.


— Artists hosted as part of a research and experimentation residency will receive a €2,000 (incl. VAT) residency grant, paid upon reception of an invoice and on the condition that they successfully completed the residency 

— Depending on availability: technical equipment pooled with the other centres (machines, stage equipment, sound, lighting, video, etc.).


The purpose of the research and experimentation residency is to provide a temporary working environment for an artist, curator, art critic or researcher whose artistic work involves experimentation, testing approaches, methods and procedures. The residency is not intended to lead to the exhibition of the programme, although it may contribute to this in the longer term. This 10-week residency is open exclusively to affiliated professional artists. Three sessions are run each year: January/March, April/June, October/December.


A call for applications is published at the beginning of July each year. The application deadline is midnight on the 31st of August. Applications are reviewed in September. Applicants are notified by the 15th of October at the latest.

The selection criteria are as follows:
— Identity and career path of the artist 
— Clarity of artistic approach 
— Proof of professional status 
— The artist and/or the project links to the area 
— Clarity and relevance of the proposed artistic project


Requests are examined on a case-by-case basis.


Artists participate in the residency programme in its entirety.


Workshops, meetings and studio openings aimed at the general public may be offered to artists in residence. These are not compulsory and artists are paid accordingly.

Contact us

Les Résidences artistiques de La cité des arts – Saint-Denis de La Réunion
23 rue Léopold Rambaud
F-97 400, Saint-Clothilde
La Réunion