Become a member
Les nouvelles adhésions sont possibles tous les deux ans. Elles sont soumises à la validation de l’Assemblée générale du réseau.
Those wishing to apply for membership can do so every year. New memberships are subject to validation by the network's General Assembly.
Arts en résidence - National network offers its members the opportunity to contribute to the professionalisation and structuring of the sector, to benefit from legal tools and to participate in their elaboration, to pool resources and skills through unifying projects, to increase their visibility and to reflect on common issues and developments in the sector.
The network currently has 45 members throughout the country.
Applicants must meet the following conditions:
- the structure must provide the resident with an allowance and clearly identify the fees payment which is specific to the resident’s creative work,
- the residency must include time dedicated to the development of the resident's personal practice, estimated at 70% of the working time,
- a staff member must be appointed to welcome and accompany the resident throughout his or her residency,
- residencies must be offered on a regular basis,
- the residency programme must be at least in its second year of implementation,
- the duration of the residencies must be between 15 days and 2 years,
- a residency contract must be signed,
- an annual budget specific to the residency must be established,
- The head office of the structure must be based in France,
- The structure must be based in France, and it must comply with the network's ethical charter.
The annual membership fee is set by the General Assembly.
1- Fill in the membership form
2- Send an email to including the following:
-a detailed description of the project and the structure
-a budget for the residency and a standard contract between the structure and the artist in residence. All documents and information will be treated confidentially.
The selection committee is composed of all the members of the network.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the same email address.
2022 Membership : application form available in February